Monday, November 30, 2020

Japan Africa Business Excellence Awards

Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry is delighted to announce the Japan Africa Business Excellence Awards. 

With the Japan Africa Business Excellence Awards platform, we look to reveal industry leaders from varied industries, markets and sectors from across the continent of Africa and Japan as we celebrate them.

As the 2nd largest continent in the world, Africa is home to a plethora of businesses that contribute to their respective countries’ GDP growth. 

As businesses and industries continue to thrive within the continent, Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry looks to continue to support those businesses by showcasing the best of the best from a variety of industries.

From agriculture, mining and manufacturing, to investment banking and travel & tourism, we look to recognize those businesses that go above and beyond in what they do. 

Japan Africa Business Excellence Awards platform is the perfect way to showcase your strength and success within your field, it is also a great opportunity to confirm the belief you have in your work and your products.

Being named as a winner will show you are one of the best in what you do. As a winner, you will get the option to display your success with physical and digital promotional items, so you can truly get the most out of your award! 

Our process works to ensure that we reward parties based on their excellence in the industry, the quality of their products and their dedication to service.

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